Free Last Will and Testament Template

Create a Last Will with our simple Will template to be in charge of how your family and possessions are cared for after you pass on. Outline beneficiaries, assets, and important information.

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Will and Testament

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Table of Contents:

What is a Last Will and Testament

A Last Will and testament is an important legal document that many people write. The purpose of a Last Will and testament is to allow an individual, also known as a testator, to decide who receives their personal property after they pass away.

This means, with a Last Will, you are legally in charge of the distribution of your property after your passing.

Some alternative names for a Last Will and testament are:

Having a look at a free Will template from LawDistrict gives you a good idea of how to make your own Will.

A Will helps people have peace of mind in their final days. There will be much less confusion and disagreement over your belongings when the time eventually comes.

Last Will and Testament Sample

Even when you know what information to specifically include, it is always a good idea to see a sample document.

You can use a Last Will and Testament sample from LawDistrict to help you create your own document.

Last Will and Testament Form

Get Your Last Will and Testament Here

Why Is a Last Will Important

A Will is an essential legal document for a few different reasons. While what happens to your estate and possessions after your death may not seem important now, not signing a Will has some serious consequences [1].

So Why Should you Make a Will

A Final Will has key uses that make it essential for anyone interested in passing on and protecting their belongings.

It gives you and your loved one peace of mind and security, knowing you have made the decisions for where your belongings go. This leads to fewer arguments over the ownership of your assets and property when you pass on.

Underage children are also protected when parents sign a Last Will and Testament, as you can assign them a legal guardian [2].

Who Needs a Will

A Last Will and Testament is an extremely helpful legal document that just about any adult should make.

People who fall into these categories are especially in need of a Will:

A good question to ask yourself is what happens if I don’t write a Will?

Not writing a Will before you die means a court-appointed administrator decides who receives your possessions.

Last Will Related Documents

How to Write a Last Will and Testament

Knowing how to properly fill out a Last Will and Testament form is important. There are essential details and information that must be included.

Follow these steps to write a Last Will and testament that meets the legal criteria [3].

Personal Data of the Testator or Testatrix

A testator is the person who writes the Will. If it is your Will, then fill in your first name, last name, and the county and state that you live in. This also revokes any Wills and amendments made previously.

Last Will Introductory Clause

Choose Beneficiaries

Include which people or organizations receive your possessions once your debts are settled. Your loved ones or charities are good examples of beneficiaries.

Also, include the name of your beneficiaries and fill in their information.

Last Will Identifications

Plan Your Funeral

Remember to add funeral arrangements. These arrangements can include:

Last Will Dispositions of Remains

Identify Assets

You can then add which specific items are given to which beneficiaries.

Last Will and Testament Gifts

Appoint an Executor

Next, include the executor. Executors make court appearances, distribute assets, and perform other duties. Many people choose a spouse or one of their children to be their executor.

Make sure to fill in your relationship with him or her and nominate an alternate Executor and second alternate Executor.

Designate Executory Powers

This part lists which power and authority he or she has with respect to your estate. The Executor must still distribute all property and assets to the beneficiaries.

Executor of Will Duties

These powers include:

Last Will Executor Provisions

Governing Law

The state where you reside is the state that governs your Will. This means you must fill in what state you reside in.

Last Will Governing Law

Find Witnesses and Sign

A Last Will and testament should be signed with 2 disinterested witnesses, whether it is mandatory in your state or not [4].

In this part you write the number of pages of the Will, the date and sign.

Your witnesses sign sworn statements, these include filling in which state and county the Will takes effect in and the witnesses’ names and addresses.

Last Will Formalities

Finally, if you choose to or if it is required, a Notary Public swears and signs the Will.

Last Will Laws by State

Different states have different requirements. Most states require 2 witnesses to sign the document.

In some states, it is necessary to sign with a notary public.

Have a look at your state law regarding Last Wills and Testaments.

State State Law Signing Requirement
Alabama § 43-8-131 Two (2) Witnesses
Alaska § 13.12.502 Two (2) Witnesses
Arizona § 14-2502 Two (2) Witnesses
Arkansas § 28-25-102 Two (2) Witnesses
California § 6110 Two (2) Witnesses
Colorado § 15-11-502 Two (2) Witnesses and a Notary Public
Connecticut § 45a-251 Two (2) Witnesses
Delaware § 201 to 202 Two (2) Witnesses
Florida § 732.502 Two (2) Witnesses
Georgia § 18-103 Two (2) Witnesses
Hawaii § 560:2-502 Two (2) Witnesses
Idaho § 15-2-502 Two (2) Witnesses
Illinois Section 755 ILCS 5/4-3 Two (2) Witnesses
Indiana § 29-1-5-3 Two (2) Witnesses
Iowa § 633.279 Two (2) Witnesses
Kansas § 59-606 Two (2) Witnesses
Kentucky § 394.040 Two (2) Witnesses
Louisiana § Art. 1577 Two (2) Witnesses and a Notary Public
Maine § 2-502 Two (2) Witnesses
Maryland § 4-102 Two (2) Witnesses
Massachusetts § 2-502 Two (2) Witnesses
Michigan § 700-2502 Two (2) Witnesses
Minnesota § 524.2-502 Two (2) Witnesses
Mississippi § 91-5-1 Two (2) Witnesses
Missouri § § 72-2-522 Two (2) Witnesses
Nebraska § 30-2327 Two (2) Witnesses
Nevada § 133.040 Two (2) Witnesses
New Hampshire § 551 Two (2) Witnesses
New Jersey § 3B:3-2 Two (2) Witnesses
New Mexico § 45-2-502 Two (2) Witnesses
New York § 3-1.1 Two (2) Witnesses
North Carolina § 31-3.3 Two (2) Witnesses
North Dakota § 30.1-08-02. (2-502) Two (2) Witnesses
Ohio § 2107.03 Two (2) Witnesses
Oklahoma § 84-55 Two (2) Witnesses
Oregon § 112.235 Two (2) Witnesses
Pennsylvania § § 2502 Two (2) Witnesses
Rhode Island § 33-5-5 Two (2) Witnesses
South Carolina § 62-2-502 Two (2) Witnesses
South Dakota § 29A-2-502 Two (2) Witnesses
Tennessee § 32-1-104 Two (2) Witnesses
Texas § 251.051 Two (2) Witnesses
Utah § 75-2-502 Two (2) Witnesses
Vermont § 14 V.S.A. § 5 Two (2) Witnesses
Virginia § 64.2-403 Two (2) Witnesses
Washington § 11.12.020 Two (2) Witnesses
Washington D.C. § 18-103 Two (2) Witnesses
West Virginia § 41-1-3 Two (2) Witnesses
Wisconsin 853.03 Two (2) Witnesses
Wyoming § 2-6-112 Two (2) Witnesses

What Makes a Will Invalid

Unfortunately, in some circumstances, your will could be declared invalid by your state for a few different reasons.