Cash Flows from Operating Activities

The first section of the statement of cash flows is described as cash flows from operating activities or shortened to operating activities. Operating activities are also referred to as company operations.

Operating activities are the business activities other than the investing and financial activities.

Here is the operating activities section of Example Corporation’s SCF which we will be referring to in our discussion:

Cash flows from operating activities

Note that the combination of the positive and negative amounts in this section add up to a positive 262,000. Hence, it is described as “Net cash provided by operating activities”. If the amounts had added up to a negative amount, the description would be “Net cash used by operating activities”.

Indirect Method for Preparing the Cash Flow Statement

Companies may choose to use either the direct method or the indirect method when preparing the SCF section cash flows from operating activities. However, the indirect method is the dominant method used and the one we will explain.

Under the indirect method, the SCF section cash flows from operating activities begins with the amount of net income, which is taken from the company’s income statement. Since the net income was based on the accrual method of accounting, the amount of net income must be adjusted to the cash amount.

If an adjustment to the amount of net income is in parentheses, it is subtracted from net income. It indicates that the cash amount was less than the related amount on the income statement. Adjustments in parentheses can also be interpreted to be unfavorable for the company’s cash balance.

An adjustment to net income that is not in parentheses is a positive amount, which indicates the cash amount was more than the related amount on the income statement. A positive adjustment can also be interpreted to be favorable for the company’s cash balance.

Adjustments to Convert the Net Income Amount to the Cash Amount

In the case of Example Corporation, the section cash flows from operating income begins with the company’s net income for the year: $230,000.

A large corporation often has 10 or more adjustments to convert the amount of net income to the amount of cash. However, we will limit our discussion to some of the more common adjustments shown on Example Corporation’s statement of cash flows: