We issue marriage, birth and death certificates, fictitious business names, City IDs, notary services, environmental filings, and professional registrations. Office Hours: Monday to Friday Processing Hours: 8:00 am to 4:00 pm Information Only: 4:00 pm to 5:00 pm
Get a free SF City ID Card
Get an identification card to get City services and benefits if you live in San Francisco.
Get a birth certificate for someone over 3
Birth certificates are available online, in-person, and by mail.
Get a birth certificate for someone under 3
Birth certificates are available in-person, and by mail.
Get a San Francisco death certificate more than 3 years ago
You can get a copy of a death certificate record for someone who died in San Francisco more than 3 years ago and after 1906.
Get married in San Francisco
Getting married is a multi-step process. You must get a marriage license and have a ceremony to be married.
Register as Domestic Partners
You can register at City Hall for a San Francisco Domestic Partnership, with the option of a commitment ceremony.
Have a civil marriage or domestic partnership ceremony at City Hall
Make a reservation for an in-person ceremony with 6 or fewer guests. Walk-ins are not allowed.
Request a commissioner for a wedding outside of City Hall
Get married by a County Clerk commissioner at a San Francisco location of your own choosing.
Become a deputy marriage commissioner for a day
Anyone over 18 can get authorized to perform a civil marriage ceremony for a specific couple.
Get a copy of a confidential marriage certificate
If you had a confidential marriage in San Francisco, get a copy of your marriage certificate from the County Clerk.
File a Fictitious Business Name (FBN)
Choose a name to use publicly, sometimes known as a "DBA" or "Doing Business As." It can either be the same as your legal business name or different.
Renew, change, or refile a Fictitious Business Name (FBN)
Tell the City if you want to change your registered trade name, address, or ownership information.
Publish your FBN
Have you completed and filed your FBN Statement form? Next step is to publish your FBN.
How to Abandon a Fictitious Business Name (FBN)
You must tell the City if you plan to abandon your business trade name or close your business.
Notary Publics are commissioned by the California Secretary of State but file the oaths of office with the San Francisco County Clerk.
Process Server, Professional Photocopier, Legal Document Assistant, and Unlawful Detainer Assistant Registrations
The California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) documents, agendas, and notices are filed with the Office of the County Clerk and are posted for public view for thirty (30) days. All notices will be posted within 24 hours of receipt (business days) in the Office.